Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  3/9/2015

SUBJECT:  Resolution 15-06 Accepting the CAFR and Management Letter for the Fiscal year ending September 30, 2014

PREPARED BY:  Marcian K. Brown, Finance Director


Adopt Resolution 15-06 Accepting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Management Letter for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014 and Authorize the Mayor's Signature.



The annual audit of the City's 2013-2014 fiscal year financial statements has been completed by Purvis Gray and Company, the City's independent Certified Public Accountants.  This evening, Mr. Ron Whitesides and Mrs. Barbara Boyd of Purvis Gray and Company will present the results of the 2013-2014 fiscal year audit process.


Overall, the City received an 'Unmodified' Opinion on its Basic Financial Statements of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.  This is the highest audit opinion that can be received.  This is the twelfth consecutive year of receiving this distinction.  Additionally, there were no current year written comments.


Once accepted by the City Commission, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) will be submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for review to receive the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.  Also, copies of the CAFR will be forwarded to all required governmental and financial organizations.

Resolution 15-06
Resolution 15-06 SIGNED