Summary All municipalities have partnered with the County in the Solid Waste Non-Ad Valorem Assessment program beginning with the 1997-98 fiscal year.
The City of Alachua consent to application of the long standing assessment within the city limits is provided for in Section 30-8 of the Code of Ordinances and expires by its own language on September 30, 2015.
The assessment supports programs such as the hazardous waste collection center, rural collection centers such as the one on US 441 between Alachua and High Springs, waste alternative public education, environmental protection, recycling, maintenance of closed Landfills and the maintenance of property for future landfill operations.
The named services are in addition to those provided by Waste Pro, the city solid waste contractor. In fact, if the solid waste assessment is not in place, the city contractor will be charged a per ton surcharge for waste disposal at the county transfer station that very likely will exceed the solid waste assessment.
The current assessment for each residential customer in the city is $18.95 per year and the rate adopted by the Alachua Board of County Commissioners for the coming fiscal year is set lower at $16.47. The monthly cost will be reduced from $1.59 to $1.37 per residential customer.
Current City Code Section 30-8 (c) provides for a three year term that expires September 30, 2015 and staff recommends the adoption of the new language proposed in Ordinance 15-11 to create greater flexibility and reduce cost by providing for automatic renewal each fiscal year unless terminated by the City by Ordinance four months before the beginning of any fiscal year.