Summary Section 28-8 of the City of Alachua Code of Ordinances requires that the City Commission, by Resolution, establish and amend from time a schedule of fees for the rental of City facilities. The schedule was last amended by Resolution 15-16 on June 8, 2015, language and format changes are now recommended and Resolution 15-21 is now presented.
Certain City facilities have been named in honor of distinguished citizens, those facilities have developed an identity associated with the citizens so honored and inclusion of the name with the facility on the rental schedule continues that recognition and increases the communication value of the schedule.
No changes in fees or charges adopted in Resolution 15-16 are recommended or included in Resolution 15-21. There are three changes accomplished if Resolution 15-21 is adopted as recommend by staff. First, the names of persons honored by the placing of their names on City facilities are included on the schedule of facilities. Second, The Alan Hitchcock Park (Theater Park) has been added to the schedule (the rental fee is unchanged from that established in 2012 by Resolution 12-05) and the listing of facilities has been better organized.
Resolution 15-21 changes to the language adopted by Resolution 15-16 are reflected in red on the attached copy of the Resolution 15-16 schedule. The changes in the order (grouping) of the facilities are not identified.