The City Commission adopted Resolution 10-25 on Sept. 13, 2010, which served as the final proceeding for the imposition of the TK Basin Maintenance Assessment Area. Resolution 10-25 created the TK Basin Maintenance Assessment Area, ratified and confirmed the Initial Assessment Resolution (Resolution 10-20), approved the Maintenance Assessment Roll, imposed the Maintenance Assessments, provided for the method of collection, served as the final adjudication and directed the recording of the Resolution in the Official Records Book in the office of the Alachua County Clerk of Courts.
As required by City of Alachua Code of Ordinances Section 2-723 (meets the requirements provided under the Uniform Assessment Collection Act - F.S.S. 197.3632), the City must annually adopt an Annual Maintenance Service Assessment Resolution for each fiscal year. Resolution 15-24 serves as the Annual Maintenance Service Assessment Resolution for the TK Basin Maintenance Assessment.
The total assessment cost is estimated at $7,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, which remains constant from the total assessment cost for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. These costs include the actual maintenance expenses of the basin as well as costs incurred to administer the special assessment program annually.
The City has met the statutory notice requirements for the City Commission's hearing of Resolution 15-24 by providing notice in Alachua County Today newspaper. The City retained the engineering services of Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. to perform calculations related to the methodology as set forth in Section 4.03 of the Initial Assessment Resolution (Resolution 10-20). These calculations are utilized to determine the assessment to be paid by each property owner within the TK Basin Maintenance Assessment Area. The City also retained the legal services of Nabors, Giblin and Nickerson, a firm specializing in special assessment creation and implementation, to draft Resolution 15-24 and assist in the reimposition process. The engineering and legal expenses related to the reimposition are included in the total assessments collected.
The City Commission also approved an automatically renewing agreement with the Alachua County Tax Collector on Aug. 17, 2010 to reimburse the Tax Collector for necessary administrative and actual costs incurred to collect the assessment on the ad valorem tax bill. The reimbursement cost is 2% of the total assessment and is included in the total assessments to be collected. With the adoption of Resolution 15-24, the assessment will be placed on the November 2015 tax bill.
The City Commission unanimously approved Resolution 15-20 during its July 27, 2015 City Commission meeting, which served as the Preliminary Rate Resolution for the TK Basin Maintenance Assessment Area. Resolution 15-24 reimposes the TK Basin Maintenance Assessment, approves the updated Maintenance Assessment Roll and provides for the method of collection.