Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  10/12/2015

SUBJECT:  Manufacturing Month Proclamation

PREPARED BY:  Melanie Anne Westmoreland, Assistant Deputy City Clerk


Mayor Coerper to read the proclamation.



The City has chosen to support the initiative of the Advanced Manufacturing Council in promoting Manufacturing Month 2015.


The Advanced Manufacturing Council was formed from the merging of the Advanced Manufacturing Association of North Central Florida and the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce.


The Advanced Manufacturing Council operates under the warrant of the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce with its mission being "to connect and grow the regional manufacturing sector through unified marketing, advocacy, and economic development efforts" (


The Council provides the Chamber a means "to provide talent and resources towards the growth of the manufacturing industry; creating manufacturing job creation goals aligned with growth efforts and provides manufacturing quarterly events to bring regional manufacturers together to focus on the development of the manufacturing industry in the area" (


"Manufacturing Month has been created to celebrate the impact manufacturing has on the Greater Gainesville Area, increase awareness about the benefits of a manufacturing career, and attract students to future manufacturing jobs." (


Field trips to manufacturing facilities were scheduled for Alachua County middle school students on October 1st and high school students on October 8th. A Manufacturing Job Fair is also planned with the date to be announced.


This information and more about "Manufacturing Month: Innovate, Create, Transform" as well as the Advanced Manufacturing Council may be found at

Economic Development

Manufacturing Month Proclamation