Summary The Finance and Administrative Services Department has prepared this agenda item to recognize budget and enable accounting for the fiscal impact of three agreements that have been approved by the City Commission during the current fiscal year. Adoption of Resolution 16-14 is required to make the proposed amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget as provided for in Exhibit A to the Resolution.
The first agreement was executed on December 14, 2015 and pertains to a capital lease with Motorola Solutions, Inc. for the procurement of communications equipment for the Alachua Police Department. The Budget Amendment increases capital costs within the General Fund - APD budget ($172,799) and provides for a transfer to the Debt Service Fund necessary to meet current year capital lease obligations ($97,329).
The second agreement is the Florida JAG Direct grant that was authorized on January 25, 2016 and accepted on February 23, 2016. The Budget Amendment increases the operating costs within the General Fund - APD budget ($1,622) for the purchase of firearm Simunition conversion kits.
Lastly, a Temporary Access and Construction Yard Permit was granted to Duke Energy Florida, L.L.C. on April 11, 2016. Staff proposes that the proceeds from the agreement ($100,000) be appropriated as follows:
A) General Fund/Special Expense - $5,000 towards the City's marketing program and $20,000 to provide for additional training costs related to the new Enterprise Resource Program (ERP);
B) General Fund/Public Works - $9,739 to replace 61" zero turn mower beyond reasonable repair;
C) General Fund/Recreation - $13,000 to replace 72" zero turn mower beyond reasonable repair and $2,000 to replace a 72" deck on a zero turn mower;
D) General Fund/Special Expense - $8,749 to be transferred out to the Project Legacy Fund for the purpose of covering project-related costs that are not eligible to be paid from bond proceeds; and,
E) General Fund/Special Expense - Remaining funds received from Duke Energy to be placed in the General Fund Reserve for Contingency in the amount of $41,512.