Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  8/22/2022

SUBJECT:  Ordinance 22-20, Second Reading: Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) – Tomoka Hills Non-Residential: A request by Craig Brashier, AICP, of Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc., applicant and agent for Tomoka Hills Farms, Inc., property owner, for consideration of SSCPA to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) on a ±45.3 acre subject property from Agriculture to Community Commercial; Consisting of Portions of Tax Parcel Numbers 03873-000-000 and 03873-001-000 (Legislative Hearing).

PREPARED BY:  Justin Tabor, AICP, Principal Planner


Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance 22-20 on second and final reading upon making the following motion: 

Based upon the presentation before this Commission and Staff’s recommendation, this Commission finds the application for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment submitted by Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. on behalf of Tomoka Hills Farms, Inc. to be consistent with the City of Alachua Comprehensive Plan and adopts Ordinance 22-20 on second and final reading.




The proposed Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) is a request by Craig Brashier, AICP, of Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc., applicant and agent for Tomoka Hills Farms, Inc., for the consideration of an amendment to the City of Alachua Future Land Use Map (FLUM). The proposed amendment would change the FLUM Designation on a ±45.3 acre subject property from Agriculture to Community Commercial.


The applicant has submitted a companion application for a Site-Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas (a rezoning) which proposes to amend the zoning on the subject property from Agricultural (A) to Community Commercial (CC).


The subject property is generally located southeast of the US Highway 441/Interstate 75 interchange, south of US Highway 441 and NW 162nd Lane, west of Interstate 75, and east of NW 173rd Street (also known as County Road 235-A). The property historically was utilized as a horse farm. There is an existing agricultural structure and single family residence located on the subject property. A small area in the northeast corner of the subject property consists of a wooded area. The remainder of the property is primarily open pasture.


Existing FLUM Designation


Objective 1.1 and Policies 1.1.a – 1.1.d of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) establish the Agriculture land use category. Objective 1.1. states that the Agriculture land use category is established in order to maintain agriculture operations within the city limits as well as preserve the rural character and small-town charm of Alachua. Permitted uses within the Agriculture land use category are established in Policies 1.1.a – 1.1.d of the FLUE, and include: residential uses such as single family detached dwelling units, manufactured homes, , accessory dwelling units, and group living, as provided by special exception; supporting community services such as schools, houses of worship, parks and community centers; agri-business and agritourism uses such as equestrian centers and boarding facilities, agriculture production and education, animal husbandry, animal care, animal sales and services, horticulture, event facilities, nurseries, farmers markets, agricultural biotechnological start-ups or incubators, farm produce stands, agriculture support services, agri-tourism related activities, small-scale visitor and business accommodation uses such as bed and breakfasts, country inns, spa and retreat facilities, and conference facilities; and conservation subdivisions.


Proposed FLUM Designation


Policy 1.3.a of the FLUE establishes the Community Commercial land use category, and states that this category is established to provide neighborhood and community scale goods and services to adjacent neighborhood and residential areas. The following uses are allowed within the Community Commercial land use category: neighborhood commercial establishments; residential/offices and live-work units; business and professional offices; personal services; financial institutions; retail sales and services that serve the community; eating establishments; indoor recreation/entertainment; single-family and multi-family residential above first floor commercial uses; bed and breakfasts; supporting community services such as schools, houses of worship, parks, and community centers; and, traditional neighborhood planned developments.


Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation

At the July 12, 2022 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting, the Board voted 5-0 in favor of forwarding the application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve.


City Commission - First Reading of Ordinance 22-20


At the August 8, 2022 City Commission Meeting, the Commission voted 5-0 to approve Ordinance 22-20 on first reading. 



Staff Report & Staff Supporting Materials
Ordinance 22-20
Application & Supporting Materials
Public Notice Materials for the 7/12/22 PZB Hearing
Public Notice Materials for the 8/8/22 City Commission Meeting
Public Notice Materials for the 8/22/22 City Commission Meeting