Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  8/22/2022

SUBJECT:  Ordinance 22-21, Second Reading: Site-Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas (Rezoning) – Tomoka Hills Non-Residential: A request by Craig Brashier, AICP, of Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc., applicant and agent for Tomoka Hills Farms, Inc., property owner, for consideration of a Rezoning to amend the Official Zoning Atlas from Agricultural (A) to Community Commercial (CC) on a ±45.3 acre subject property; Consisting of Portions of Tax Parcel Numbers 03873-000-000 and 03873-001-000 (Quasi-Judicial Hearing).

PREPARED BY:  Justin Tabor, AICP, Principal Planner



Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance 22-21 on second and final reading upon making the following motion:

Based upon the competent substantial evidence presented at this hearing, the presentation before this Commission, and Staff’s recommendation, this Commission finds the application for a Site-Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas submitted by Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. on behalf of Tomoka Hills Farms, Inc. to be consistent with the City of Alachua Comprehensive Plan and adopts Ordinance 22-21 on second and final reading.





The proposed Site-Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas (Rezoning) is a request by Craig Brashier, AICP, of Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc., applicant and agent for Tomoka Hills Farms, Inc., for the consideration of an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to amend the zoning on a ±45.3 acre subject property from Agricultural (A) to Community Commercial (CC).


The applicant has submitted a companion Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment which proposes to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation of the subject property from Agriculture to Community Commercial.


The subject property is generally located southeast of the US Highway 441/Interstate 75 interchange, south of US Highway 441 and NW 162nd Lane, west of Interstate 75, and east of NW 173rd Street (also known as County Road 235-A). The property historically was utilized as a horse farm. There is an existing agricultural structure and single family residence located on the subject property. A small area in the northeast corner of the subject property consists of a wooded area. The remainder of the property is primarily open pasture.


The general purposes of the Business zone districts are established and described in Section 3.5.1 of the City’s Land Development Regulations (LDRs):


3.5.1  General purposes. The business zone districts are established for the general purpose of ensuring there are lands in the City that provide a wide range of office, retail, service, light industrial and related uses to meet household and business needs, and more specifically:

(A)  Provide appropriately located lands for business uses consistent with Comprehensive Plan. Provide appropriately located lands in areas served by water and sewer for the full range of business uses needed by Alachua's residents, businesses, and workers, consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan;

(B)  Strengthen economic base. Strengthen the City's economic base, and provide employment opportunities close to home for residents of the City and surrounding communities;

(C)  Provide suitable environment for business uses. Create suitable environments for various types of business uses, and protect them from the adverse effects of incompatible uses; and

(D)  Minimize impact of business development on residential districts and uses. Minimize the impact of business development on residential districts and uses.


The specific purpose of the Community Commercial (CC) zone district is established and described in Section 3.5.2(C) of the City’s LDRs:


3.5.2(C)  CC, Community Commercial District. The CC district is established and intended to provide lands for business uses that provide goods and services to residents of the entire community. Because these commercial uses are subject to public view, they should provide appropriate appearance, adequate parking, controlled traffic movement, suitable landscaping, appropriate pedestrian facilities, and protect abutting residential areas from adverse impacts. The CC district should typically be located along major arterials or at the intersection of an arterial and highway.


Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation

At the July 12, 2022 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting, the Board voted 5-0 in favor of forwarding the application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve.


City Commission - First Reading of Ordinance 22-21


At the August 8, 2022 City Commission Meeting, the Commission voted 5-0 to approve Ordinance 22-21 on first reading. 


Ordinance 22-21
Staff Report & Staff Supporting Materials
Application & Supporting Materials
Public Notice Materials for the 7/12/22 PZB Hearing
Public Notice Materials for the 8/8/22 City Commission Meeting
Public Notice Materials for the 8/22/22 City Commission Meeting