Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  9/26/2022

SUBJECT:  Ratification of 22/23 APD Collective Bargaining Agreement

PREPARED BY:  G.B. Wilson, Compliance and Risk Management Director


Ratify the FY 2022/23 - FY 2024/25 City of Alachua Police Department-FOP Collective Bargaining Agreement, previously ratified by the APD Collective Bargaining Unit, and authorize execution of two copies by the Mayor




The City Collective Bargaining Team for FY 2022/23 consisted of Compliance and Risk Management Director G.B. Wilson as COA Bargaining Representative, Police Chief Jesse Sandusky and Human Resources Director Tara Malone.


The Fourth and Final Bargaining Session was held on September 22, 2022 with  the City and the FOP coming to agreement and initialing approval of all articles and procedural paragraphs. Two copies of the final complete document were signed by City Manager W. Michael DaRoza and Tristin Grunder as President of the FOP along with APD Sergeant Carlos Hunt, the APD Employee FOP Representative. Each party received a fully executed original.






The Agreement includes modification of Article 20.4 to amend the language for take home vehicles by sworn officers.  Historically, take home vehicle use has been restricted to Alachua County. The contract was amended to permit use within or without Alachua County but now  restricts distance to 20 driving miles from the APD facility at 15000 NW 142Terrace, see Exhibit A. Exceptions are granted for three officers currently living since 9-1-22 short distances beyond the 20 driving mile limit. Should those officers change  residence locations the 20 mile limit will apply.


Article 26 WAGES


Agreement was reached to modify the wage plan for sworn officers but the structure of the plan for communications officers continues the same as established for all City employees. One big change is the term of the contract is three years rather than the one year term that has been the case for more that 10 years. The new Law Enforcement Progressive Pay Plan is scheduled and affects each officer as reflected on page one of Exhibit B. The  future progressive levels are based on a three percent annual increase and require a "meets expectations" yearly evaluation. Sworn employees were sited in the pay plan schedule by agreement based on current pay and moved to the level as shown.


The the total cost of implementing the Plan is an increase of 3.82 percent over current budget.


The City and the FOP also agreed to changes and modifications to language of a housekeeping nature to the 2022/23 Contract. All changes are identified in the red-underlined and strike-through (ULST) Contract version. A "clean" copy of the Contract, executed to the extent required pursuant to Fl Statute 447 and Rules of the Public Employee Relations Commission is attached.


The Collective Bargaining Unit ratified the contract by voting held on September 22 & 23,  2022. The Collective Bargaining unit voted 17-6 in favor of the ratified agreement.  


The Contract cost is consistent with the proposed FY 2022/23 Budget and recommended for approval by the City Manager.



Strengthen Community Services

FOP Contract FY 22/23 - FY 24/25
FOP Contract FY 22/23 - FY 24/25 Red Underline & Strike-Through
Contract FOP- Signed