Summary The City of Alachua Commission held a Public Hearing on September 18, 2017 to adopt a proposed tentative millage rate and tentative budget as required by Florida statutes, Chapters 129 and 200 as advertised in the Truth-In-Millage (TRIM) Notices distributed by the Alachua County Property Appraisers Office.
Chapter 200 of the Florida Statutes requires that a final public hearing on the budget be preceded by a two to five day published notice of the hearing. Chapter 129 of the Florida Statutes requires that the Commission advertise a summary of the proposed budget. The proofs of publication have been received affirming that said notices were published as required. A summary of the budget has been provided for the public review by means of advertisement in the Alachua County Today on Thursday, September 21, 2017 pursuant to these requirements.
This evening we will take a number of actions related to the adoption of the final millage, final budgets and Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The General Fund rolled-back rate is 5.7065 mills with the final millage rate being 5.3900 mills. The final millage rate is less than the rolled -back rate by 5.55%.
On September 18, 2017, the City Manager presented a Tentative Budget totaling $38,574,055. The Final Budget totals $40,392,221 which is a $1,818,166 increase from the Tentative Budget adopted on September 18, 2017. The increase is due to the true-up of fund balances, the carry forward of encumbered obligations and a re-appropriation for unfinished projects or services which are anticipated to continue into Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
In order to enact the final millage rate, a majority vote must be passed by the Commission at the final public hearing on the budget. By adopting these resolutions, the City Commission authorizes and directs the City Manager to transmit certified copies of these resolutions, as well as any other forms or documents required by state law, to the Alachua County Property Appraiser, the Alachua County Tax Collector and the State of Florida Department of Revenue.
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