Summary City staff was informed during the month of August 2017 by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) of an $820,679 allocation for Beautification Grant program funding. The City Commission has previously expressed the desire to enhance our medians along US Highway 441. As such, staff recognizes the benefit the FDOT Beautification Grant program could present towards furthering this goal.
City staff is consulting with Manley Design, LLC for the conceptual design of the project that is anticipated to include enhancements to three of the medians along US 441 which are currently not landscaped.
Individual grant awards are limited to a maximum amount of $82,067.90 and the application deadline has been extended to October 10, 2017. Grant application requirements include the adoption of a resolution.
While no match is required, staff is proposing that $20,000 from the Tree Bank Fund be utilized towards this project.