Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  10/22/2018

SUBJECT:  2019 City Commission Calendar

PREPARED BY:  Alan Henderson, Deputy City Clerk


Approve the Proposed 2019 City Commission Meeting Calendar.



The 2019 City Commission Meeting Calendar is proposed to resolve any conflicts with holidays and for the purpose of maintaining necessary timing for the proper notice and advertising of meetings and ordinances.


There are no holiday conflicts with the regular second and fourth Monday meetings, save for Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Moving May, October and November dates to the first and third Mondays will ensure there remains the two-week separation needed between ordinance readings.


It is recommended to continue the historical practice of having only one meeting in July and December. The proposed calendar includes the foregoing of the first meeting in July (July 8) and the second meeting in December (December 23).


The resulting 2019 City Commission Calendar as recommended would be:


January 14 & 28

February 11 & 25

March 11 & 25

April 8 & 22

May 6 & 20

June 10 & 24

July 22

August 12 & 26

September 9 & 23

October 7 & 21

November 4 & 18

December 9


2019 Commission Calendar Proposed