Summary On July 24, 2017, the City Commission adopted Resolution 17-19, which extended the fee waiver for voluntary annexation for those applications submitted through February 1, 2018.
In order to further encourage voluntary annexation, staff recommends waiving the fees for Comprehensive Plan Map amendments and Site-Specific Amendments to the Official Zoning Atlas, for those properties annexed into the corporate limitis of the City of Alachua under the annexation fee waiver afforded by Resolution 17-19.
Properties annexed into the City of Alachua retain their unincorporated Future Land Use Map and zone district designation until amendments are adopted by the City. No development, redevelopment, or expansion can be initiated until the City adopts an amendment to the Comprehnesive Plan and Official Zoning Atlas for the annexed property.
Resolution 18-03 would allow property owners who have annexed property under the annexation fee waiver afforded by Resolution 17-19 to submit an application for a Future Land Use Map amendment and Site-Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas within 60 days of the annexation of the property, provided that the amendments propose City of Alachua Future Land Use Map and Official Zoning Atlas designations which are comparable to the Alachua County designations applied to the property at the time of annexation.
The fiscal impact to the City would be the costs of the required public notices. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Site-Specific amendments to the Official Zoning Atlas can be combined to significantly reduce costs.