Summary Cary Stroud was born in Alachua General Hospital, grew up in Lincoln Estates, graduated from Santa Fe High School, joined the United States Navy and retired after 21 years of service. His father operated the "ALACHUA TAKE OUT" where the Cleather Hathcock, Sr, Community Center now stands. Members of his extended family still live in the City of Alachua and his long term plan includes returning as he reaches full retirement.
Mr. Stroud is a businessman centered in Jacksonville and is motivated to contribute to life in the Lincoln Estates neighborhood by bringing back former family and other properties. He has worked with City staff for nearly a year in carrying out his plan. He acquired two parcels on NW 158th Place and one on NW 158th Avenue, all parcels are highlighted in green on the attached tax parcel aerial map.
A fourth, Parcel, 03131-070-000, is the home of his grandmother and is in probate but he has brought the formerly overgrown parcel to code compliance.
City staff, with Code Enforcement Officer Linnelle Stewart serving as point person, reached an informal and contingent agreement with Mr. Stroud to bring about the clean up of Parcel No. 03131-068-000, an abandoned and derelict property in Lincoln Estates that was scheduled for lien foreclosure by the City.
Staff has been working for a long time to correct this problem and Mr. Stroud orally agreed with staff that if he could acquire the property, demolish the derelict structure and otherwise bring the premise in compliance with City Code (Code), city staff would recommend to the City Commission that the existing and outstanding city LIEN be settled and resolved by his payment of $1,000.00. He understood the City acceptance of the Agreement, now reduced to writing and here presented, was not binding until accepted by the City Commission.
The attached Agreement and Satisfaction and Release of Code Enforcement Lien are here submitted with the recommendation of staff for approval. Mr. Stroud has met all obligations of the Agreement including delivering his check to the city in the amount of $1,000.
City Code Enforcement policy is based in proactive efforts, working with property owners, to bring about cooperative compliance with the City Code. During FY 16/17, 344 new files were opened resulting in nine derelict structures being demolished (only one at city expense/property to be sold to recover cost). Four unsafe structures were secured (boarded up) and 59 junk vehicles were removed, all at owner cost.
The demolition of the structure by Mr. Stroud is not included in the FY 16/17 totals but is the first in FY 17/18. |