Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  6/11/2018

SUBJECT:  Alachua Elementary Citizen of the Year

PREPARED BY:  LeAnne Williams, Assistant Deputy City Clerk


Mayor Coerper to read and present the Certificate of Appreciation to James Winner.



Using the criteria of scholastic standing, attitude, conduct, and community service through clubs and extracurricular activities, a winner of the Citizen of the Month is chosen by their teachers and peers in each of the county's elementary schools. At the end of the year, each school chooses its Citizen of the Year from amongst the award winners of Citizen of the Month.


Sharing the pride and appreciation of his family, teachers, and peers, the City Commission on behalf of the City of Alachua wish to congratulate Alachua Elementary's Citizen of the Year, James Winner.


Honoring his academic and civic achievements, the City is pleased to present James Winner with a Certificate of Appreciation to recognize him as Citizen of the Year for Alachua Elementary School.
