Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  7/23/2018

SUBJECT:  Nomination of Representative to Serve on Alachua County/City of Gainesville Joint Water Policy Committee

PREPARED BY:  Adam Boukari, City Manager


Nominate a representative to serve on the Alachua County/City of Gainesville Joint Water Policy Committee.



The City of Alachua received a letter from Alachua County/City of Gainesville Joint Water Policy Committee Chair Mike Byerly inviting the City of Alachua to nominate a representative to serve on the Committee.  The Committee is comprised of two commissioners from Alachua County, two commissioners from the City of Gainesville and one member representing the other municipalities in the county.


Former Town of Micanopy Mayor Virginia Mance has served on the Committee, representing the municipalities other than the City of Gainesville.  Ms. Mance recently stepped down from the Committee, prompting the Committee's request for nominations.


Ms. Mance contacted Mayor Gib Coerper and requested Town of Micanopy Mayor Tim Parker be recommended by the municipalities, other than the City of Gainesville, to serve on the Committee.


The City of Alachua Commission may nominate a member from among its Commission, Town of Micanopy Mayor Tim Parker, or a member of another City Commission.  City Staff will forward the nomination via letter to the Committee.  The Committee will consider the nomination during its Aug. 27, 2018 meeting.

Letter from Alachua County/City of Gainesville Joint Water Policy Committee 07-02-18