Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  9/10/2018

SUBJECT:  Ordinance 18-20, Second Reading; Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment: A request by Clay Sweger, AICP, LEED AP of eda, inc., applicant and agent, for the Alachua County Housing Authority, property owner, to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation from Agriculture to Medium Density Residential on a ±5.00 acre subject property. Consisting of Tax Parcel Number 03204-001-000 (Legislative Hearing)

PREPARED BY:  Adam Hall, AICP, Planner


Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance 18-20 on second and final reading. 



The proposed Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) is a request by Clay Sweger, AICP, LEED AP, of eda engineers-surveyors-planners, inc., agent for the Alachua County Housing Authority, property owner, for the consideration of a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) to the City of Alachua Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Agriculture to Medium Density Residential on an approximate 5 acre subject property (Tax Parcel 03204-001-000).


The subject parcels are current vacant lands located east of Merrillwood Subdivision and Hipp Way, and north of Alachua Forest subdivision.


The Medium Density Residential Land Use permits up to 8 (eight) dwelling units per acre, with a minimum density of 4 (four) dwelling units per acre. The following uses are allowed in the Medium Density Land Use category: 

1.    Single family, conventional dwelling units and single family, attached dwelling units;

2.    Accessory dwelling units;

3.    Manufactured or modular homes meeting certain design criteria;

4.    Mobile homes only within mobile home parks;

5.    Duplexes and quadplexes;

6.    Apartments and townhomes;

7.    Live/work units;

8.    Residential Planned Unit Developments;

9.    Traditional Mixed-use Neighborhood Planned Developments;

10. Supporting community services, such as schools, houses of worship, parks, and community centers


A related site-specific amendment to the Zoning Atlas has also been submitted, which proposes to amend the zoning designation to one compatible with the proposed Future Land Use designation. 


At the August 14, 2018 Planning and Zoning Board hearing, the Board voted 5-0 in favor of forwarding this application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve. 


At the August 27, 2018 City Commission hearing, the Commission voted 5-0 to approve Ordinance 18-20 at first reading and schedule second and final reading for September 10, 2018. 

Ordinance 18-20
Staff Report
Exhibit "A"- Staff Supporting Application Materials
Application and Supporting Materials
Public Notice Materials for 09/10/18 City Commission Hearing
Public Notice Materials for 08/27/18 City Commission Hearing
Public Notice Materials for 08/14/18 PZB Hearing
Draft Minutes from 08/14/18 PZB Hearing