Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  9/24/2018

SUBJECT:  Ordinance 18-18, Second Reading; Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment: A request by Ryan Thompson, AICP of CHW, Inc., applicant and agent, for Lillie Belle Jeffords Life Estate and Trustees, Barbara Ann Lemley, Janet Schenck, Monaghan and Schenck Trustees, MP and Martha Monaghan, and Diane White, property owners, to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation from Rural/Agriculture (Alachua County) to Moderate Density Residential on a ±161.14 acre portion of the subject property and from Rural/Agriculture (Alachua County) to Community Commercial on a ±76.44 acre portion of the subject property (± 237.58 acre in total size). Consisting of Tax Parcel Numbers 03024-000-000, 03024-001-000, 03024-002-000, 03024-003-000, 03024-004-000, 03045-000-000, 03046-000-000, 03046-005-000, 03047-000-000, 03047-001-000, 03047-001-001, 03047-001-002, 03047-001-003, 03047-001-004, 03047-001-005 and 03048-002-000 (Legislative Hearing)

PREPARED BY:  Adam Hall, AICP, Planner


Based upon the presentation before the Commission and Staff's recommendation, approve Ordinance 18-18 on second and final reading.



The proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) is a request by Ryan Thompson, AICP, of CHW, Inc, applicant and agent for Lillie Belle Jeffords Life Estate and Trustees, Barbara Ann Lemley, Janet Schenck, Monaghan and Schenck Trustees, MP and Martha Monaghan, and Diane White, property owners, for the consideration of a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) to the City of Alachua Future Land Use Map (FLUM), to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation from Rural/Agriculture (Alachua County) to Moderate Density Residential on a ±161.14 acre portion of the subject property and from Rural/Agriculture (Alachua County) to Community Commercial on a ±76.44 acre portion of the subject property. The subject property is comprised of Tax Parcel Numbers 03024-000-000, 03024-001-000, 03024-002-000, 03024-003-000, 03024-004-000, 03045-000-000, 03046-000-000, 03046-005-000, 03047-000-000, 03047-001-000, 03047-001-001, 03047-001-002, 03047-001-003, 03047-001-004, 03047-001-005 and 03048-002-000, and is approximately 237.58 acres in size.


The subject property is located northeast of the intersection of US Highway 441 and NW 188th Street, and west of the Meadowglen Subdivision.The subject property has one single-family residence and several associated accessory farm structures.


The subject property presently has a Rural/Agriculture (County) FLUM Designation. The proposed amendment would change the FLUM Designation to Moderate Density Residential and Community Commercial. The Moderate Density Residential FLUM Designation permits a density of 0 – 4 dwelling units per acre (a maximum of 644 dwelling units for the subject property); the Rural/Agriculture (County) Land Use permits .2 dwelling units per acre (a maximum of 47 dwelling units for the subject property). The Community Commercial FLUM designation permits an intensity of .5 FAR (a maximum of 1,664,863 square feet of non-residential development for the subject property).


Policy 1.2.a of the Future Land Use Element establishes the Moderate Density Residential land use category, and states that this category allows residential development at a maximum density of 4 dwelling units per acre. The following uses are examples of uses permitted within the Moderate Density Residential land use category: single family, conventional dwelling units; accessory dwelling units; residential planned developments; and supporting community services, such as schools, houses of worship, parks, and community centers.


Policy 1.3.a of the Future Land Use Element establishes the Community Commercial land use category, and states that this category allows non-residential development, with a maximum intensity (expressed in Floor to Area ratio F.A.R.) based on the size of the parcel. For parcels greater than 10 acres, the maximum F.A.R. is .50. The following uses are examples of uses permitted within the Community Commercial land use category: neighborhood commercial establishments; residential/office; business and professional offices; personal services; financial Institutions; retail sales and services that serve the community; eating establishments; indoor recreation/entertainment; single-family and multi-family residential above first floor commercial uses; bed and breakfasts; supporting community services, such as schools, houses of worship, parks, and community centers; traditional mixed-use neighborhood planned developments.


This application is for an amendment to the Future Land Use Map only. No proposed amendments to the Official Zoning Atlas have been submitted at this time. The zoning designation will remain County designated Agricultural (A). Per Section 1.7.7 of the City of Alachua Land Development Regulations, no development may take place until both the FLUM and Zoning Atlas have been amended to City of Alachua Land Use and Zoning designations, and  site plan and/or subdivision has been approved.


At the June 12, 2018 hearing, the Planning and Zoning Board voted unanimously to defer this application until the July 10, 2018 Planning and Zoning Board meeting to ensure that public notice requirements had been met. 


At the July 10, 2018 hearing, the Planning and Zoning Board voted 3-0 to forward this application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve. The signed/ approved minutes from this meeting have been attached to this item.


At the July 23, 2018 hearing, the City Commission voted 4-0 in favor of approving Ordinance 18-18 on first reading, and authorized Staff to submit the amendment to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) under the Expedited State Review Process. 


In accordance with Chapter 163.3184(3(b)1., Florida Statutes, the City submitted the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and the following agencies/jurisdictions: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Transportation - District 2 Office, the Florida Department of State, the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, the Department of Economic Opportunity (Bureau of Economic Development), the Suwannee River Water Management District, the Department of Education, the City of Gainesville, the City of High Springs, Alachua County Department of Growth Management, and the School Board of Alachua County.


The City has received correspondence from the following agencies: DEO, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Suwanee River Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council. There were no objections raised by these agencies regarding this application. 

Ordinance 18-18
Staff Report
Exhibit "A" to Staff Report: Staff Supporting Application Materials
Application and Supporting Materials
Public Notice Materials for 07/10/18 PZB Hearing
Approved Minutes- 07/10/18 PZB Hearing
Public Notice Materials for 07/23/18 City Commission Hearing
Correspondence from DEO & Other Agencies
Public Notice Materials for 09/24/18 City Commission Hearing