Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  9/10/2018

SUBJECT:  Resolution 18-28, Conditionally Vacating the Plat for the Merrillwood Subdivision.

PREPARED BY:  Kathy Winburn, AICP, Planning & Community Development Director


Adopt Resolution 18-28.



The City received a petition from the Alachua County Housing Authority (ACHA) requesting consideration to vacate part of platted lands that consist of Lots 1-69 of the Merrillwood Subdivision. The ACHA intends to redevelop the property in phases, and such redevelopment will necessitate the vacation of that portion of the existing plat at the time the appropriate final development plan for each phase is approved by the City.  In order to receive the funding for this redevelopment, the  ACHA has requested assurances that the redevelopment can proceed for all phases notwithstanding the existing Plat on the property.  In order to provide theses assurances, Resolution 18-28 proposes to vacate the plat with each phase of the redevelopment, subject to the conditions contained in the Resolution. The conditions include that a certified copy of an Affidavit is filed by the City in the Public Records of Alachua County, upon the approval of a final development plan for all or part of the property, affirming that the conditions contained in the Resolution are met.

Resolution 18-28
Letter from ACHA