Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  9/10/2018

SUBJECT:  Ratification of APD Collective Bargaining Agreement FY 2018/2019

PREPARED BY:  G.B. Wilson, Compliance and Risk Management Director


Ratify the Alachua Police Department-FOP Collective Bargaining Agreement for FY 2018/19 as previously Ratified by the APD Bargaining Unit on September 4, 2018.



The City Collective Bargaining Team consisted, for the first two of three sessions, of Compliance and Risk Management Director G.B. Wilson, Police Chief Chad Scott and Human Resources Manager Casandra Sanjurjo.  APD Administrative Services Manager Tara Malone substituted for Ms. Sanjurjo for the last session. The first FY 2017-18 Bargaining Session with FOP team members Leah Hayes (Bargaining Agent), and APD Officer Chad Howell (Unit Representative) met on July 25, 2018. The FOP Team remained unchanged for the Aug. 20, 2018 second and third final session held Aug. 30, 2018 where all issues were resolved pending ratification by the Bargaining Unit and subsequently by the Alachua City Commission.


City proposals included extensive modifications of Article 26 Wages to include a 2% COLA, 1% or 2% Merit  Increase and (Longevity Pay, separate schedule attached) for all eligible bargaining unit members.


The City also proposed minor changes and modifications to language throughout the Contract and to accommodate changes in Police Officer Ranks, all were accepted (Schedule Attached).


The FOP offered proposals to alter benefit changes in Article 20 to expand take home vehicle use, Article 17 to expand financial support for educational expenses to include those toward a Master's degree, and a new benefit under Article 20 to provide a $100.00 payment to all sworn personnel toward the purchase of approved footwear. All were fully discussed and resolved by the City accepting the footwear proposal, paid as compensation, and the balance not accepted by the City.


All Articles were signed off as TA (Tentatively Accepted), initialed by Ms. Hayes as Bargaining Agent for the FOP and By G. Wilson as Agent for the City. A Schedule of Contract Changes offered by the City is attached along with the final form of the initialed-red line-strike-through contract and a clean copy for signature if ratified by the City Commission.


The Contract was presented by the FOP to the APD Bargaining Unit and was ratified on September 4, 2018 by a vote of 20 to 0 by those sworn members voting and 0 to 0 in that the FOP reported no communication operators chose to take part in the ratification process.


The contract provisions and costs are contemplated and set forth in the tentative budget now before the City Commission.

AMOUNT:  Varying
Strengthen Community Services

FOP/APD FY 18/19 Contract
Contract changes by Article and Page Number
FOP/APD FY 18/19 Contract Proposal Red Underline and Strikethrough