Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  10/8/2018

SUBJECT:  City Strategic Plan - FY 2019

PREPARED BY:  Mike DaRoza, Communications & Executive Project Manager


Adopt the Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 2019



The City Commission met at a publicly announced meeting on June 26, 2018, for the purpose of outlining specific initiatives for the update of the City of Alachua Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is designed to help the City Manager and staff members develop a scope and action plan for each strategic initiative to support the realization of the Vision Statement in a planned, systematic and incremental manner, based on City Commission established priorities.


Several Strategic Initiatives were reaffirmed or developed by the City Commission at that meeting. These Strategic Initiatives are ranked in Priority Order (Highest, Higher and High as informally ranked by the City Commission during the June 26, 2018 meeting). Each Strategic Priority demonstrates which Goal it supports: Economic Development (E), Community, Cultural and Recreational Development (C), Transportation Mobility (T), Housing (H).  The goals were derived from the City's Vision Statement in the Comprehensive Plan.


The City Manager and the Assistant City Manager assigned a champion or champions at the Executive and Department Director levels to further define each Strategic Initiative as follows:


  • Define the scope of the initiative;
  • State desired outcome;
  • Provide summary background;
  • Identify the stakeholders;
  • Provide the fiscal impact and funding source;
  • Develop an action plan to accomplish the initiative;
  • Provide the estimated completion date for each action item;
  • Create Critical Success Metrics to support progress report. 


The Draft FY 2019 Strategic Plan is being presented for consideration and approval by the City Commission. 


The Strategic Plan is a living document, subject to adjustments and revisions as deemed necessary by the City Commission and the City Manager. The City Commission, by a majority vote, shall be able to add or remove initiatives in the Plan during the annual adoption process or more often if deemed necessary. The City Manager shall have the authority to make revisions to the activities necessary to carry out the initiatives as these may change from time to time and are administrative in nature. Such changes by the City Manager shall be incorporated in the subsequent annual adoption process.


The City Manager will monitor progress and continue provide regular updates of the Strategic Initiatives. These updates are in the form of a progress report and will continue to be produced quarterly. In addition, the City Manager has the delegated authority to bring up specific Strategic Initiatives to the City Commission, if discussion is warranted.

FY 2019 Strategic Plan