Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  10/8/2018

SUBJECT:  RFB 2018-03 and RFB 2018-04 Construction of Legacy Park Phase 2A Award

PREPARED BY:  Donna Smith, Purchasing Specialist


1)  Award RFB 2018-03 base bid and RFB 2018-04 base bid with all alternates in the total amount of $3,099,732 to Scherer Construction of North Florida, LLC.

2)  Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Scherer Construction of North Florida, LLC to complete the work under the provisions of RFB 2018-03 and RFB 2018-04.



On August 31, 2018, the City issued RFB 2018-03 and RFB 2018-04 for the construction of multipurpose fields, outdoor amphitheater, restroom/concession facility, parking lot and related facilities, known as Legacy Park Phase 2A.


The City received six (6) bids for RFB 2018-03 and nine (9) bids for RFB 2018-04 by the October 1, 2018, due date. 


RFB 2018-03 base bid:

D.E. Scorpio Corporation - $2,317,007

John C. Hipp Construction - $2,402,448

Scherer Construction - $2,099,332

Watson Construction - $2,428,029

W.G. Johnson & Son - $2,435,200.47

BBI Construction - $2,570,885


RFB 2018-04 base bid:

Gray Construction - $1,042,405

Charles Perry Partner - $1,100,00

BBI Construction - $1,279,230

BH Builders - $859,000

D.E. Scorpio - $1,022,007

Anglin Construction - $1,063,250

Shine & Company - $960,000

WFO Construction - $1,013,000

Scherer Construction - $996,500


As part of RFB 2018-03 and RFB 2018-04, there were multiple alternates that were bid as well, including Musco lighting, additional stairs and ramps for the amphitheater, epoxy flooring and wall tile for the restrooms.


The City performed due diligence in its evaluation of all bids and bidders consistent with the bid documents and applicable laws and policies.  The City also consulted with its design team in the evaluation of the bids (attached).


Staff recommends the City not award the Musco lighting package alternate for RFB 2018-03, as there may be potential cost savings for the City to purchase directly from the vendor.  Staff recommends awarding all alternates for RFB 2018-04, including the stairs and ramps for the amphitheater, epoxy flooring and wall tile for the restrooms.


Staff recommends the award of RFB 2018-03 and RFB 2018-04 to Scherer Construction of North Florida, LLC as the bids that are in the best interest of the project, the lowest, responsive and responsible.  The financial breakdown of the award is as follows:


RFB 2018-03: $2,099,332

RFB 2018-04: $1,029,100 (with alternates)

Voluntary Deductive Credit: ($28,700)

Total Award: $3,099,732

AMOUNT:  $3,099,732
FUNDING SOURCE:  Grants, Other

Funding for this project is provided by Wild Spaces Public Places surtax revenue and joint grant funds from Alachua County through interlocal agreement.

Quality of Life, Community Enhancement, Strengthen Community Services

RFB 2018-03 Scherer Construction of North Florida Bid Packet
RFB 2018-04 Scherer Construction of North Florida Bid Packet
CHW Award Recommendation Letter