Summary The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has issued a program for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. The JAG Program provides agencies with the flexibility to prioritize and support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on their own local needs and conditions. JAG funds may be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support and information systems for criminal justice. Local units of government receiving JAG funding have the flexibility to implement projects in any of the eight federally approved purpose areas as follows: 1) Law enforcement programs; 2) Prosecutions and court programs; 3) Prevention and education programs; 4) Corrections and community corrections programs; 5) Drug treatment and enforcement programs; 6) Planning, evaluation and technology improvement programs; 7) Crime victim and witness programs; and 8) Mental health programs.
FDLE anticipates an award from the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) in JAG funds, in which $94,044 will be allocated for use by all units of government within Alachua County. As a condition of participation in this program, the units of government in each county must reach a consensus concerning the expenditure of these funds. This consensus must include the projects to be implemented as well as the agency responsible for implementation. Additionally, each county must document this consensus by submitting letters from at least 51% of the units of government which also represents at least 51% of the population located in the county - hence forth referred to as a 51% letter. On Thursday, 07/13/2017, the Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Advisory Council, comprised of officials from the various local law enforcement and other government agencies within the county, met to discuss the allocation of JAG funds for Alachua County. A request for funding was submitted on behalf of the Alachua Police Department for the purchase of equipment (radars and rifle mounts) in the amount of $8,285. The funding request was approved by the council, and the distribution of funds was agreed upon and approved unanimously.
Typically, the grant application cycle opens each year shortly after the advisory board meeting is held. Federal funds were not released last year, which is why the grant cycle is running behind. The application for funding is under the FFY 2017 cycle, and the project period will run 10/01/2018 to 09/30/2019, so as to coincide with the City's fiscal year.
The next step in the process was for the department to complete an online application using FDLE's grant management system. In addition to the online submission, two (2) hard copies of the grant application, with original signatures, was required to be submitted to FDLE, Office of Criminal Justice Grants, by 10/31/2018. The department will be notified if the application is approved and funds are awarded.
Note - In order to meet the required submission deadlines, the Mayor's signature was obtained prior to this meeting. Tonight's action will ratify submission of the application. | | |