Summary The proposed Site Specific Amendment to the City of Alachua Official Zoning Atlas (Rezoning) is a request by Ryan Thompson, AICP, of CHW, Inc., applicant and agent for Alachua A One, LLC., property owner, for the consideration of the rezoning of the subject property from Commercial Intensive (CI) (±21.2 acres), Residential Multiple Family – 8 (RMF-8) (±36 acres), and Residential Single Family – 4 (RSF-4) (±40 acres) to Commercial Intensive (CI) (±2.11 acres), Corporate Park (27.88 acres), Residential Multiple Family – 15 (RMF-15) (±27.88 acres), and Residential Single Family – 4 (RSF-4) (±39.36 acres).
The subject property is comprised of a portion of Tax Parcel Number 03049-000-000, and is approximately 97.23 acres in size. The subject property is located west of Interstate 75, east of the Heritage Oaks subdivision, and north of US Highway 441 and the HighPoint Crossing subdivision. The subject property is currently undeveloped.
The subject property presently has Moderate Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Commercial Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designations. A companion Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment application has been submitted concurrently with this rezoning application. The proposed zoning designations are compatible with the proposed Future Land Use Map designations.
The Commercial Intensive (“CI”), Corporate Park (“CP”), Residential Multiple Family – 15 (RMF-15) and Residential Single Family – 4 (RSF-4) are described as follows in Section 3.5.2 of the City of Alachua Land Development Regulations.
CI, Commercial Intensive District. The CI District is established and intended to provide lands and facilitate highway-oriented development opportunities within the City, for uses that require high public visibility and an accessible location. The CI district should be located along major arterials or highways and at the US 441/Interstate-75 interchange.
CP, Corporate Park District.
(1) The CP District is established and intended to accommodate a range of research and development, technology and life sciences/biotechnology industries, office, supporting retail, and limited residential uses. By allowing a range of permitted uses, the CP District is intended to accommodate the development of "flex space" arrangements. Flex space allows a developer to establish different combinations of uses on a site over time.
(2) Clustered residential development criteria. Development within the Corporate Park zoning district that consists of greater than 100 acres of contiguous land may provide clustered residential development. The amount of residential development available on any property zoned Corporate Park is further limited by subsections (a) and (b) below and as set forth in Table 5.1-3.
(a) Clustered residential development:
(i) Consist of at least 60 percent of the total allowed residential units within the contiguous area zoned Corporate Park.
(ii) Must be developed at a net density of six to 12 dwelling units per acre.
(b) For purposes of calculating available residential density, the maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a contiguous area shall be determined by the acreage contained in the property in common ownership as of the effective date of the ordinance adopting the rezoning to Corporate Park.
RMF-15, Residential Multiple Family District-15. The RMF-15 district is established and intended to encourage a wide range of high-density housing types, especially multifamily development, but also single-family attached, townhouses, and two- to four-family dwellings, to meet the diverse needs of the Alachua housing market, in areas served by water and sewer systems. Complementary uses customarily found in residential zone districts, such as community facilities, religious institutions, parks and playgrounds, and schools, are also allowed. Limited, neighborhood-serving commercial uses are also allowed. The maximum residential density allowed is 15 dwelling units an acre.
RSF-4, Residential Single-Family-4. The RSF-4 district is established as a district in which the principal use of land is single-family residential development at a moderate density for use in areas served by water and sewer systems. The regulations of this district are intended to discourage any use that would substantially interfere with the development of single-family dwellings and that would be detrimental to the residential nature of the district. Complementary uses customarily found in residential zone districts, such as community facilities, religious institutions, parks and playgrounds, and schools are also allowed. The minimum lot area for single-family detached is 7,500 square feet and the maximum density allowed is four dwelling units an acre.
The US Highway 441/Interstate 75 Gateway Overlay District is described as follows in Section 3.7.2 (C) of the City of Alachua Land Development Regulations.
U.S. Highway 441/Interstate 75 Gateway Overlay District.
(1) General purposes. In recognition of the importance of promoting the City as an attractive, vibrant, and economically prosperous community, and in accordance with the requirements of Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.f.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City hereby creates the U.S. Highway 441/Interstate 75 Gateway Overlay District for the purpose of:
(a) Welcoming existing and future residents and visitors to the City;
(b) Promoting Alachua as an attractive, vibrant, and economically prosperous community;
(c) Establishing consistent and harmonious design standards in order to unify the visual quality of the Gateway Overlay District;
(d) Creating an enhanced visual gateway to an area that serves as a main entrance to the City;
(e) Improving the sense of place and community;
(f) Creating a positive impression of the City, reflecting community values;
(g) Maintaining and enhancing property values; and
(h) Protecting the public health, safety, and welfare.
At the October 9, 2018 Planning and Zoning Board meting, the Board voted 5-0 to find the application to be consistent with the City of Alachua Comprehensive Plan and City of Alachua Land Development Regulations, and to transmit the the application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve.
At its November 5, 2018 meeting, the City Commission voted 5-0 to approve Ordinance 19-02 on first reading. |