Summary The proposed Site Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Map (rezoning) is a request to amend the Official Zoning Atlas from Industrial Services and Manufacturing (“MP”)(Alachua County) to Industrial General (“IG”) on the subject property.
The subject property was annexed through Ordinance 18-14 (adopted July 23, 2018) and is a part of a group of annexations for which the application fee to be annexed had been waived (Resolutions 17-11 and 17-19). Through Resolution 18-03, the City Commission had also waived application fees for Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications for those properties annexed through the fee waiver resolution.
The subject property currently has a Rural Employment Center (Alachua County) Future Land Use designation. A companion application proposes an amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Plan that would amend the Future Land Use Map designation on the subject property to the Industrial Future Land Use designation.
The Industrial General (“IG”) Zone District is described as follows in Section 3.5.2 of the Land Development Regulations (LDRs):
IG, General Industrial District. The IG district is established and intended to provide lands for industrial uses which can be operated in a relatively clean and quiet manner and which will not be obnoxious to adjacent residential or business districts. Allowable uses include limited manufacturing and functionally related uses such as distribution, storage, and processing. General commercial uses are allowed, but are considered incidental to the predominantly industrial nature of the district. Residential uses, other than caretaker dwellings, are not permitted. Any uses that generate hazardous wastes shall have a hazardous materials management plan and operate in accordance with all local, State, and Federal requirements.
At the January 8, 2019 Planning and Zoning Board hearing, the Board voted 4-0 in favor forwarding the Site Specific Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve. |