Summary This application is a request by Eric Warren, P.E., of Poulos & Bennett, LLC, agent for M3 Alachua, LLC, applicant and property owner, for consideration of a Preliminary Plat and Final PD Plan for the Alachua West PD-R. The Alachua West project subdivision proposes to subdivide the subject property into a total of 126 lots, with associated common areas and right-of-way.
The Alachua West PD-R is located west of NW 173rd Street (also known as County Road 235A), approximately 1,000 feet south of the intersection of NW US Highway 441 and NW 173rd Street. The subject property is currently undeveloped, except for one dilapidated barn on site.
In 2017, the applicant and property owner submitted applications to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation from Medium Density Residential (4 – 8 dwelling units per acre) to Moderate Density Residential (0 – 4 dwelling units per acre), and to amend the zoning of the property from Residential Multiple Family – 8 (RMF-8) (a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre) to Planned Development – Residential (PD-R). The former FLUM Designation and zoning would have permitted a maximum of 286 dwelling units on the property; the current FLUM Designation and zoning permit a maximum of 143 dwelling units.
The PD Master Plan, approved as part of the PD-R zoning in 2017, establishes the framework for the site. Residential areas will be primarily located in the central, western, and northern portions of the site, with common area, open space, and stormwater management facilities located in the central/southeastern portion of the site. Access to the proposed development would be provided by a single ingress/egress connection to NW 173rd Street in the central portion of the site. An emergency ingress/egress connection to NW 173rd Street would be provided in the northeastern portion of the site for Phase 1, which would be replaced by an emergency ingress/egress in the southeastern portion of the site upon construction of Phase 2. The proposed development would provide for a future connection to vacant lands to the west of the subject property.
The development is comprised of three (3) phases: Phase 1 (50 units); Phase 2 (50 units); and Phase 3 (26 units). Phase 1 will include associated infrastructure, stormwater management facilities for the entire project, open space, and recreation uses, and will be required to commence construction within one (1) year of the approval of Construction Plans. Phase 2 will be required to commence construction within three (3) years of the approval of Construction Plans, and Phase 3 will be required to commence construction within five (5) years of the approval of Construction Plans.
Development within the Alachua West PD-R will connect to potable water and wastewater facilities. Stormwater for the proposed development will be conveyed to a stormwater management facility constructed in the southeastern portion of the subject property. An analysis of the development’s impact on public facilities is provided within the Staff Report.
Section 2.4.10(G)(2) of the City’s Land Development Regulations (LDRs) establishes the requirements for a preliminary plat. An analysis of the application’s compliance with the applicable standards of this section has been provided within the Staff Report.
At the January 8, 2019 Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the Board voted 5-0 to transmit the Alachua West PD-R Preliminary Plat and Final PD Plan to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve, subject to the three (3) conditions provided in Exhibit “A” and located on page 21 of the January 8, 2019 Staff Report.
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