Summary On January 9, 2019, the City solicited formal bids from qualified vendors to furnish all necessary equipment, supervision, labor, materials and incidentals to complete the NW Neighborhood Street Resurfacing Project DEO Contract #18DB-OM-03-11-02-N14 CDBG Paving and Repaving Project.
The City received three (3) bids in response to RFB 2019-01. Qualified Bids were received from:
Andrews Paving, Inc. in the amount of $1,082,022.17 Base Bid, Alternate 1 - $117,527.00, Alternate 2 - $18,064.97, Alternate 3 - $23,228.27 and Alternate 4 - $12,000.00;
Art Walker Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,331,791.00 Base Bid, Alternate 1 - $ 96,555.00, Alternate 2 - $10,543.00, Alternate 3 - $17,876.00 and Alternate 4 - $23,650.00.
The Project has been modified to reduce the Scope of Work from that described in RFB 2019-01 as bids received were in excess of funds available from the advertised source of grant funding. Andrews Paving, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid. Corresponding CDBG available grant funds are $694,000.00.
The City and Andrews Paving, Inc., utilizing the combined
Schedule of Values and Bid Form, have agreed upon a reduced
Scope of Work. The total contract price, based on the reduced scope, is $862,014.86. DEO/CDBG grant funding of $694.000.00 will be supplemented by $168,014.86 from available City Public
Works Division budget, allocated to street resurfacing.
Staff recommends awarding RFB 2019-01 to Andrews Paving, Inc. as the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder. | | |