Summary The proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) is a request by Clay Sweger, AICP, of eda engineers-surveyors-planners, inc., applicant and agent for The Laser Investment Group, LLC., property owner, for the consideration of a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) to the City of Alachua Future Land Use Map (FLUM), to amend the FLUM of the subject property from Commercial(±10.00 ac), Industrial (±45.42 ac.), and Rural Employment Center (Alachua County)( ±26.98 ac.) to Corporate Park on a ±82.40 acre subject property. The subject property is located at approximately 13025 NW US Highway 441, west of CSI Academy of Florida, north of US Highway 441, east of Busby Cabinets and Waste Pro- Alachua. The subject property has a previously approved project under construction (San Felasco Tech City Phase I). The San Felasco Tech City Phase I Site Plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Board on July 10, 2018.
The subject property presently has the following Future Land Use Map Designations: Commercial (±10.00 ac), Industrial (±45.42 ac.), and Rural Employment Center (Alachua County) (±26.98 ac.). The Commercial FLUM designation permits an intensity of .75 FAR, and the Industrial FLUM designation permits an intensity of .5 FAR. The Rural Employment Center maximum FAR is variable and dependent upon any final development approvals.
According to Objective 1.4 of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the City of Alachua Comprehensive Plan , the purpose of the Corporate Park Future Land Use designation is to provide appropriate locations for mixed use office-oriented development to promote and foster the growth of established industries within the City, including but not limited to research and development and technology and biotechnology, with provisions for a variety of residential uses at a low to medium density; and to provide a variety of employment opportunities to the citizens of Alachua and the North Central Florida Region. Allowable uses include the following: office/business parks, biotechnology and other technologies, business incubators, a limited amount of retail sales and services, single-family and multi-family residential, building industry uses, and accessory storage facilities.
At the March 12, 2019 Planning and Zoning Board, the Board voted 3-0 in favor of forwarding the application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve. There were no comments from the public regarding this item at the hearing.
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