Item Coversheet
Commission Agenda Item

MEETING DATE:  6/24/2019

SUBJECT:  Alachua West Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project Change Order Request for Lift Station #3 Upgrades

PREPARED BY:  Rodolfo Valladares, Public Services Director


Authorize the City Manager to issue a change order for the Alachua West Wastewater Improvement project in an amount not to exceed $75,000 for the purchase and installation of new pumps and ancillary items for Lift Station #3.



The City of Alachua is currently executing the construction of the capital improvements for the Alachua West Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project.  As part of these efforts, City Lift Station #3, located west of I-75 near the park-and-ride, will be rehabilitated.


Lift Station #3 is a duplex constant speed submersible pump station that operates as both a collection point for adjacent parcels and a conveyance station within the collection network.


In alignment with the Master Plan, Lift Station #3 will require an increase in firm capacity (one-duty pump and one standby pump) to meet projected growth.  To facilitate this goal, larger pumps are necessary (i.e. 45 hp/460V).


Given the current status of construction, there is opportunity to efficiently and effectively take advantage of cost savings by performing this work in sequence with current efforts. This work will allow the City to save on future costs, advance master planning efforts, and enhance the health, safety and welfare of the public.


The costs for the increase in firm capacity is expected not to exceed $75,000.   Staff requests authorization to issue a change order in an amount not to exceed $75,000 to manage improvements to facilitate the installation of the new pumps and ancillary items.

AMOUNT:  $75,000
FUNDING SOURCE:  Waste Water Fund
ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION:Funding available through the 2019 capital improvement note, supported by the Alachua West Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Area fees.
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