Summary In response to legislation set forth as a result of HB 441, the Alachua County Sheriff's Office presented the City of Alachua with an Interlocal Agreement between the Sheriff and all first responders within Alachua County. Recently enacted FSS 365.179, titled Direct Radio Communication between 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and First Responders; requires each Sheriff to facilitate interlocal agreements between all primary first responder agencies within the county and provide proof of compliance to this section by January 1, 2020.
The intent of the agreement is to require direct radio contact between the PSAP and primary first responder agencies for which the PSAP does not provide primary dispatch functions, and to establish protocols under which the Alachua County PSAP will provide direct radio notification of a public safety emergency to the on-duty personnel of the first responder agency.
The Interlocal Agreement is between the City of Alachua and the Alachua County Sheriff. |