Summary The City has been working toward the completion of Legacy Park Phase 2, which includes two multipurpose sports fields, and has been constructed by Scherer Construction of North Florida, LLC under RFB 2018-03.
RFB 2018-03 included a bid alternate for a LED field lighting package for Field #1 and Field #2 by Musco Sports Lighting, LLC. The City opted not to award the alternate in order to capture savings through Owner Direct Purchase (ODP). This item provides for the necessary authority to enter into a contract with Musco Sports Lighting, LLC. via ODP.
This project would provide immediate lighting for Multipurpose Field #2, and will be equipped to accommodate future lighting components for Multipurpose Field #1 and an anticipated future Multipurpose Field #3.
The estimated time for completion of this multipurpose field lighting package is the first quarter of 2020. |